Hello again!
Can you believe it's already the end January?! Wow, time is flying...and I'm not complaining! Things have been really busy for both Kevin and I, so it helps time go fast. If it keeps going that fast, Kevin will be home in no time!!
I just wanted to get another email out to everyone again, to let you know what he's been up to. Kevin has been really busy, and STILL has not had a day off. They are definitely keeping him busy! Things are going good, but there's been a little bit of drama happening in his group. From the sounds of it, people are just getting tired and burnt out, and it's taking a toll on some people. I'm sure it's hard spending that much time day in and day out with the same people. No drama for Kevin though, so that's a good thing!
I was really happy for him last week because he told me that the country group Lonestar was coming to do a concert for them. I was so excited for him to be able to do something different and fun....and Kevin loves country music, that was an added bonus. Unfortunately, work kept him late that night and he missed the the concert and the meet and greet. Then this past week the Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders came over for a visit. Again, he missed the show, but did get off work in time to go to the meet and greet. He was able to get autographs from the cheerleaders, and said that it was nice to finally to do something different. That's 2 events in just a couple weeks, so hopefully they'll keep having those special things throughout the year. I'm sure that will definitely help the morale!
We will be sending over Valentines goodies for all of the soldiers this week. One school in Grimes, (Kevin & Jen Rossmanith's daughter's school) donated valentines candy for the troops and made valentines day cards for them. Last night I went over to help bag and box them up with 2 of the other wives. We made over 300 bags for all of the 3368th! Some of the cards they made where so cute!! I'm sure the troops will get a kick out of some of them!
Well, that's about all for now. He said to tell everyone hi and that he misses you all. I've attached another picture of Kevin hard at work. I'm trying to get him to send me more pics, so I'll pass them along as I get them.I hope everyone is doing great - and I'll be talking to you soon!
ps - He has mentioned he has been getting some cards, treats and boxes from home. I know a couple he mentioned to me was from, his Mom, Becky, Aunt Marilyn,(he liked the picture you sent!), Bob&Deb, Lee&Jessica. There may have been more that he didn't mention to me, but He says thank you to you all!!
email: kevin_olson1@yahoo.com
SSG Kevin Olson
6th Transportation BN
1133rd TC Company (3368th HET CO)
APO AE 09366
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